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An update of the internet's favorite Asian drinking game, Volume 2 of AZN FLUSH comes with 109 brand new cards all about being a third culture kid. It's still just as relatable as before and if you're having a pregame, video chat, or party, is the perfect choice to get your night started right. A Royal Flush is a poker hand made out of 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, all of the same suit. It is the best out of all the poker hands that can be created in a standard game of poker. Flush: adjective of a ruddy healthy color. Full of life and vigor: lusty.

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  • I started using Flush-it a year ago when the company I dealt with before in Florida was charging way too much for the product and it was not working well.2 months with Flush-it use and my system cleared and I have no problems with odor etc. Scheduled my annual pumping and when he went to pump it after a year usage of Flush-it I had no odor,minimal wastage to pump and my system check was excellent.Thank you

  • I started using Flush-It for my septic system over a year ago and it was just a few days before the odors I was having went away. I then started using the product for my ponds on my ranch and my ponds have never been clearer. The people at Flush-It have been very helpful in determining how much product I need and were always there to answer my calls.

  • I have three ponds on my ranch and I put Flush-It into two of the ponds just to compare and after 3 weeks I am now convinced how well it worked and have purchased more for my third pond. I have tried so many products and never saw these type of results for the cost of the product.

  • When we moved to this home nine years ago, it was the first septic we had in decades. I used a product from a big box store and after three years,it backed up and had to be pumped. A year later I found Flush-It and was impressed by the claims. After five more years, we again had a back up, When the pump truck arrived, we found that it was not do to the septic, but a back up of toilet paper in the entrance to the tank. The water in the secondary chamber was almost clear and the filter o the leach field had little sediment. There was little sediment even in the primary side. There was almost no smell in either chamber. That after being untouched for five years. If I had opened the inspection hatch and pushed the paper down, I could have saved the cost of pumping the septic. This stuff works and is very cost effective. I tell my neighbors to use it too. Great product.

  • I've been using Flush-It for years and if it wasn't for Flush-It I would have had to replace my leach field years ago. Use it as a regular treatment every month and you will not be sorry. It Works!!!

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Flush Online

mid-13c., flusshen 'move rapidly or violently; rush, dart, spring' (intransitive); late 15c., flush up, transitive, 'cause to fly; start or flush (birds),' perhaps imitative of the sound of beating wings.

The sense of 'spurt, rush out suddenly, flow with force' (1540s, usually of water) probably is the same word, with the connecting notion being 'sudden movement,' but its senses seem more to fit the older ones of flash (v.), now all transferred to this word except in flash flood, via its variant flushe. OED considers this probably not connected to Old French flux. Transitive sense 'cause to flow' is from 1590s.

Meaning 'cleanse (a drain, etc.) with a rush of water' is from 1789. Of the face, 'become suffused with warm color,' from 1680s (flushed). Sense of 'inflame with pride or passion' as a result of success, victory, etc., is from 1630s; perhaps influenced in sense by flesh (v.). Related: Flushed; flushing.

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flush (adj.)

1550s, 'perfect, faultless;' c. 1600, 'abundantly full,' also 'full of life or spirit,' also 'plentifully supplied' (with money, etc.), perhaps from flush (v.1) through the notion of a river running full, hence level with its banks. Meaning 'even, level' is from 1620s, originally of ship's decks. In general use by 1791; in typography, 1900; in pugilism, 1812.

flush (n.)

Flash online

The section of entries for the various flushes in Century Dictionary opens with a caveat:

The several words spelled flush, being mostly dialectal, colloquial, or technical, and scantily recorded in early literature, have become partly confused with one another, and cannot now be entirely disentangled. Words originally different have acquired some meanings very nearly identical, while on the other hand there are some meanings not obviously related which are, nevertheless, to be referred to one original.

Weekley calls it 'A very puzzling word.' Sense of 'a rush of water' in a stream (1520s), is probably from flush (v.1). From this likely come the extended senses 'rush of emotion or passion' (1610s); 'a sudden shooting up' (1773); 'act of cleansing (a drain) by flushing' (1883); 'glow of light or color' (especially sudden redness in the face), 1620s. Independently from the verb, probably, is the noun sense of 'a flight of birds suddenly started up' (1590s).

The meaning 'hand of cards all of one suit' (1520s) is of uncertain origin, perhaps formed on the model of French flus (15c.), from Old French flux, flus 'a flowing, rolling' (see flux), which, in common with its Italian cognate flusso, is said to have once had a sense of 'a run' of cards. The form in English probably was influenced by flush (v.1).

flush (adv.)

'directly, straight,' 1700, from flush (adj.).

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flush (v.2)

'make even or level,' 1842, from flush (adj.).

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